Hi folks!
It's snowing!!!! Well, it's actually been snowing like mad since yesterday, and it's beautiful! :) I just hope that there won't be a problem with the plane tomorrow... The airport was closed yesterday, but I went on their website earlier, and they said that it was now open and working normally... I'm still a little worried, also about the coach I'm taking to get to Stansted. Hopefully, it will be allright, we'll see...
Well, this has been a short post, but I just thought I'd update you all on the weather situation in the UK, or more particularly in Birmingham :D
It's snowing!!!! Well, it's actually been snowing like mad since yesterday, and it's beautiful! :) I just hope that there won't be a problem with the plane tomorrow... The airport was closed yesterday, but I went on their website earlier, and they said that it was now open and working normally... I'm still a little worried, also about the coach I'm taking to get to Stansted. Hopefully, it will be allright, we'll see...
Well, this has been a short post, but I just thought I'd update you all on the weather situation in the UK, or more particularly in Birmingham :D
Anyways, bon vent, and all your comments are welcome! bizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
PS: the photo was taken quite early yesterday... There is a lot more snow now... I'd say about 20 cms.
C'est un terrain de badmington, dans la cours ??
Coucou Miss!
Ca a l'air de bien aller pour toi!
Ce serait sympa de mettre un petit mot en français de temps en temps pour les moyens en anglais comme moi!!!!!!
au fait, j'avais pas répondu, mais, oui, c'est bien un terrain de badminton dans le jardin :) Bon, c'est pas torp la saison, mais Abel avait bien aimé quand il était venu... Quand à l'anglais, peut-être, mais bon, pas sûr, parce que, quand même, j'aime bien, moi, l'anglais, et il y a des lecteurs qui ne parlent pas Français... Bizz
Bon, ok pour l'anglais, mais là, j'ai un autre soucis: Suite à un plantage de PC, j'ai perdu toutes mes adresses mails, donc, se serait sympa de m'en envoyer un (même tout petit) pour me redonner la tienne!
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