Saturday, June 17, 2006

Holidays.. Humm...

I've been on holidays for a few days now... Humm... Well, I've mostly just been resting, so no big news today. I'm trying to write at the moment, both my novel and fanfiction, but it's mostly research. I have a few new ideas that could be quite good, I'm not sure yet, I'll just have to test them I suppose, write them out of my system, and see what they become!

I've recently had some news from Birmingham too, filled a few forms, and everything is on its way. I swear, they really make it difficult for people to register at their University, I even wonder sometimes if they actually want any students!

I'm also about to start packing, as I'm moving out from Rennes on the 1st of July. I'm heading to my parents' place in Plouaret first, as I'll spend the summer there, before going to Birmingham at last, which will be as soon as I find a flat to rent, though probably not before the end of August. We'll just see. And of course I'll keep you posted on everything that happens in the meantime :)


PS: Here is a pic taken at Abel's school yesterday, as there was the end-of-year show :) Aren't they cute? :D


Anonymous said...

Always so cute

Anonymous said...

Always so cute